Rafael Castellanos Wins Club Endorsement in City Attorney Race
A club endorsement is also secured for Barbara Bry in the San Diego
City Council District One (D-1) race, along with resolutions on Carlsbad
Measure A and the ongoing California Coastal Commission controversy.
A club endorsement is also secured for Barbara Bry in the San Diego
City Council District One (D-1) race, along with resolutions on Carlsbad
Measure A and the ongoing California Coastal Commission controversy.
January Meeting Update and Results
This first official club meeting of 2016 was a busy evening with a full agenda, including an update from first vice president and V.P. for programs and outreach Brian Elliott, and a presentation from John Hartley from the San Diego Clean Elections Campaign.
Club Endorsement for Barbara Bry in D-1 Race

As part of the club's commitment to the critically important San Diego City Council District One (D-1) race, San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action voted unanimously to endorse candidate and club member Barbara Bry for San Diego City Council at our meeting this past Wednesday, following the exit of fellow Democrat and club member Joe LaCava from the D-1 race.
The club is looking forward to working with the Barbara Bry campaign to ensure a Democratic victory for this crucial seat, upon which the balance of the San Diego City Council is predicated. We call upon all club members and area Democrats to help canvass or volunteer for Barbara's campaign.
California Coastal Commission Resolution

San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action members voted unanimously in favor of a resolution in support of Dr. Charles Lester, the executive director of the California Coastal Commission. The resolution also calls upon Governor Jerry Brown and other leaders to express support for Dr. Lester and end attempts by members of the commission to essentially facilitate a coup and remove Dr. Lester from his position.
As the battle between developers and conservation-minded stewards of the land continues for the soul of the California Coastal Commission, please stand with San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action in support of Dr. Lester.

Ask candidates and lawmakers to lend their support, and urge your state elected officials to voice support for Dr. Lester and his leadership of the California Coastal Commission – one of the state's great success stories in keeping the California coastline open and accessible, and from becoming a walled-off parade of skyscraping Miami Beach-style hotels and condominiums the length of the state.
In fact, you can take direct action in support of Dr. Lester's leadership of the California Coastal Commission by attending the commission's next meeting in Morro Bay on Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 10:00 am – and in a new development, the meeting has been moved to a new location at the Morro Bay Community Center Auditorium, located at 1001 Kennedy Way in Morro Bay.
The Morro Bay Community Center locale replaces the original meeting location of the Inn at Morro Bay. Please attend if you can, and urge commissioners during public comment opportunities to retain Dr. Lester and ask them to continue protecting California's beaches as stipulated by the California Coastal Act.
Download the club resolution on the California Coastal Commission here.
In fact, you can take direct action in support of Dr. Lester's leadership of the California Coastal Commission by attending the commission's next meeting in Morro Bay on Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 10:00 am – and in a new development, the meeting has been moved to a new location at the Morro Bay Community Center Auditorium, located at 1001 Kennedy Way in Morro Bay.
The Morro Bay Community Center locale replaces the original meeting location of the Inn at Morro Bay. Please attend if you can, and urge commissioners during public comment opportunities to retain Dr. Lester and ask them to continue protecting California's beaches as stipulated by the California Coastal Act.
Download the club resolution on the California Coastal Commission here.
Position on Carlsbad Measure A

The Jan. 21 club-facilitated Carlsbad community forum in support of North County residents and organizations with environmental concerns over Carlsbad Measure A was an enormous success, and the club voted unanimously in favor of a position against Carlsbad Measure A at our Jan. 27 meeting.
We encourage all club members, area Democrats and Carlsbad voters to vote against Measure A, an attempt to build a mall along the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon on Cannon Road – in violation of California environmental law, and under the guise of protecting open space.
As was demonstrated at our Jan. 21 meeting at the Carlsbad City Library, don't believe the hype of TV ads or the $7 million of a Los Angeles developer eager to build a mall along already-protected open space with the collusion of Carlsbad elected officials. Vote no on A. Mail ballots are already out, and the special election for this one issue only occurs in the city of Carlsbad on Tuesday, Feb. 23. Please vote NO.
San Diego City Attorney Endorsement

In the competitive race for San Diego City Attorney, San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action members voted from a field of four candidates for port commissioner Rafael Castellanos, who also holds the distinction of being one of the club's founding members and the club's first-ever guest speaker. Congratulations to Rafael Castellanos on winning the San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action endorsement!
A big thank you goes out to all of the city attorney candidates, all of whom are club members, including Gil Cabrera, Mara Elliott and Bryan Pease, for joining us on the heels of the AAPI city attorney forum, their contributions to an outstanding environmental forum, and for completing the extensive San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action candidate questionnaire.
Club Endorsement Process

Club endorsement meetings are typically open to the public and free of charge, and all members of San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action in good standing are invited to attend and vote. Only club members are permitted to vote in the endorsement process.
San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action welcomes new members, but according to club bylaws, the deadline for new members to vote in any endorsement meeting is at least 34 days after the membership becomes official, along with signed attendance at a minimum of one regular club meeting.
Those with expired memberships that are within the 45-day grace period for renewal may vote in this endorsement meeting provided they make a payment at check-in, if not before. If you have questions about the status of your membership, please contact club president Tommy Hough, second vice president Fred Rogers or treasurer Brett Fisher.
The club provides a ballot upon check-in for all endorsement meetings. In the event of a second round of voting, secondary ballots are handed out. Candidate questionnaires are distributed and made available to meeting attendees, but candidate questionnaires may never leave the room.
San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action welcomes new members, but according to club bylaws, the deadline for new members to vote in any endorsement meeting is at least 34 days after the membership becomes official, along with signed attendance at a minimum of one regular club meeting.
Those with expired memberships that are within the 45-day grace period for renewal may vote in this endorsement meeting provided they make a payment at check-in, if not before. If you have questions about the status of your membership, please contact club president Tommy Hough, second vice president Fred Rogers or treasurer Brett Fisher.
The club provides a ballot upon check-in for all endorsement meetings. In the event of a second round of voting, secondary ballots are handed out. Candidate questionnaires are distributed and made available to meeting attendees, but candidate questionnaires may never leave the room.