San Diego Earth Fair at Balboa Park
Enjoy the photos, with special thanks to Carolyn Chase and Jess Durfee. Big thanks to
all our club members, friends and supporters who made this year a huge success.
Enjoy the photos, with special thanks to Carolyn Chase and Jess Durfee. Big thanks to
all our club members, friends and supporters who made this year a huge success.

Thanks to everyone who took multiple buses and trolleys or spent an hour looking for a place to park to join us or volunteer at our booth at the 2016 San Diego Earth Fair at Balboa Park on April 17.
We helped register new and recently-moved voters, touted our slate of endorsed candidates for the June primary and spread the word about San Diego County Democrats for Enivornmental Action, bringing in two new members in the process and adding over 40 names and e-mail addresses to our database.
Special thanks to club members Rafael Castellanos, Keith Mikas and Rebecca Taylor for their time, energy, patience and enthusiasm.
Thanks also to Fred Rogers, Alex Kiwan, Cara Furio, Richard Ram and Brian Elliott for their help and efforts on-site, as well as Brett Fisher, Lori Kern and Kathleen Connell for all the time and hard work that's gone in to making this club work. Here's to the 46th anniversary of Earth Day with clean air, clean water, and room for humans and critters to roam.
Additional kudos to our environmental and political friends at Chris Ward for City Council, Rafael Castellanos for City Attorney, Barbara Bry for City Council, San Diego Sierra Club, San Diego, the San Diego County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, California Wolf Center in Julian, and Adventure 16 and the Donate-a-Pack Foundation.
We helped register new and recently-moved voters, touted our slate of endorsed candidates for the June primary and spread the word about San Diego County Democrats for Enivornmental Action, bringing in two new members in the process and adding over 40 names and e-mail addresses to our database.
Special thanks to club members Rafael Castellanos, Keith Mikas and Rebecca Taylor for their time, energy, patience and enthusiasm.
Thanks also to Fred Rogers, Alex Kiwan, Cara Furio, Richard Ram and Brian Elliott for their help and efforts on-site, as well as Brett Fisher, Lori Kern and Kathleen Connell for all the time and hard work that's gone in to making this club work. Here's to the 46th anniversary of Earth Day with clean air, clean water, and room for humans and critters to roam.
Additional kudos to our environmental and political friends at Chris Ward for City Council, Rafael Castellanos for City Attorney, Barbara Bry for City Council, San Diego Sierra Club, San Diego, the San Diego County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, California Wolf Center in Julian, and Adventure 16 and the Donate-a-Pack Foundation.