Enjoy the photos, and thanks to the various photographers.
A big thanks to everyone who took multiple buses and trolleys or spent an hour looking for a parking space to join us at our club's first tabling event at San Diego Earth Fair at Balboa Park on April 19th.
We helped register new and recently-moved voters, roped in new club members, and spread the word about San Diego County Democrats for Enivornmental Action. A good day at a crucial San Diego environmental event, and a lot of fun.
A particular thanks to club members Julie Busse, Aaron Bercovtich, Rena Marrocco, Joe LaCava and volunteer Pat Hrycyszynfor their time, energy, patience and enthusiasm.
Thanks also to Fred Rogers, Lori Kern, Brian Elliott, Cara Furio and Kathleen Connell for all the time and hard work that's gone in to making the club work. Here's to the 45th anniversary of Earth Day with clean air, clean water, and room for humans and critters to roam.
Additional kudos to our friends and environmental and activist colleagues at the San Diego Sierra Club, Climate Action Campaign and San Diego 350.org.